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Empitivism Medicine
Interactive Installation
May 2024

Composer: Kaiqing Huang


"Empitivism Medicine" is an interactive art installation that explores the intersection of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine, symbolized by empiricism and positivism. Through a dynamic synthesis of these philosophies, it invites contemplation on the complex relationship between medicine, science, and philosophy. More than just a display, the work deconstructs and reimagines empiricism and positivism, encouraging the audience to reflect on the fusion of traditional knowledge and modern science.

"Empitivism Medicine" was shortlisted for the 14th National Art Works Exhibition, held at the China Art Museum in Shanghai.

Artwork video [please select at least 1080p quality] 

CONCEPT Chinese medicine:
The abstract model of Chinese medicine is from the top to the bottom and from macro to micro.
Western medicine:
The figurative archetype of Western medicine goes from bottom to top, from unit to whole.
Chinese medicine and Western medicine differ significantly in their systems and treatment processes, yet both rely heavily on systematic research and observation.

Image description

Interact with the upper part

Image description

Interact with the bottom part


Rotate the upper disc to allow liquid to flow from top to bottom, while the liquid in the lower section is injected upwards. The liquids from both sections eventually merge in the central container. When the water level sensor detects a change, it triggers the playback of a plant growth video.


In Chinese medicine, the human mind and body are influenced step by step downward from macroscopic to microcosmic.

Chinese Medicine emphasizes the harmonious relationship between the human body and the five elements, and treats diseases by harmonizing the balance of “yin” and “yang”.

Digital mapping out of model specific parameters

Chinese medicine classifies human organs according to the five elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth), which are deeply interconnected and related to each other.
Image description The liquid in the middle container represents the combination of Western medicine (positivism) and TCM (empiricism), and the rising level of the water symbolizes the continuous integration and mutual promotion, which enables the plant to grow continuously.
Firstly, Arduino detects the rise of the water level, and then transferring these Waterlevel values to the Processing. Secondly, import the original video of plant growth and cut the video into frames. Subsequently, write the code in Processing to control the number of frames played.


“Empitivism Medicine” was shortlisted for the 14th National Art Works Exhibition, which was held at the China Art Museum in Shanghai, June 2024.